Algumas fotos do making of da exposição! A inauguração foi um sucesso! Portanto quem não foi, visitem até dia 29 de Maio! Está lá á vossa espera! Em breve ponho aqui fotos dos trabalhos para os que não podem ir porque estão muito longe ou por outras razões!
Obrigado a todos os que me ajudaram e apoiaram e aos que apareceram na exposição! Valeu a pena! ♥
MEMORIES OF THE FUTURE /// KRUELLA from akacorleone on Vimeo.
video teaser!
music by: Balam Acab - Dream Out
First Solo show by Kruella D'Enfer (Angela Ferreira).
Carhartt Lisboa, Bairro Alto
29/04 - 29/05
Opening April 29th
until May 29th.
MEMORIES OF THE FUTURE is the result of Kruella D'Enfer fascination and obsession with the occult, supernatural world and about the idea of having the past and the future written in the form of enigmatic symbols.
This idea of following a destiny path in the cosmos, in the cards, in the palm of your hand, led to a study of this visual universe, from where came the characters who dwell in her illustrations and which dominate the pieces that are exposed at Carhartt.
Kruella D'Enfer proposes in this project to reinterpret these symbols, rewriting somehow her future through an unknown universe in the tarot cards, creating a unique language that will make us travel through hidden places of our mind, creating memories of the future with her illustrations...
The works presented in this exhibiton are original, hand-painted with a mixed media technique, exclusively for this show.
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